as I delve into the possibilities of this local plan, my mind is filled with worry about the potential impact of building noise on both the new residents and the existing homes in the area. It is of utmost importance to create an environment that is not only pleasant but also healthy. I kindly urge you to incorporate soundproofing measures within the buildings and consider the noise levels when planning.
Picture this—a wild oasis called Englehaven, next to Søvang's grounds, providing solace and wonder to the locals. It warms my heart to see Englehaven preserved and nurtured as a unique and precious natural sanctuary. Beyond being a recreational space, it serves as a vital habitat for biodiversity, fostering a positive environment for both humans and wildlife. I humbly request that special attention be given to safeguarding and cherishing Englehaven within the upcoming local plan. This could involve provisions and initiatives to ensure its uninterrupted existence and accessibility for the residents of Søvang.