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Government policies driving away foreigners

I have lived, worked and raised my children in Denmark for 14 years. And I am soon leaving! For two reasons:
1. Taxes on overseas income are too high. And I feel I am being unfairly taxed
2. It is extremely difficult to acquire Danish citizenship

I have been a resident of Denmark from 2010-2014 and again from 2015 till now. Following the Brexit agreement I acquired permanent residency in 2021. I was under the flat rate high earners tax scheme for five years and since 2016 have paid full Danish taxes like the vast majority of people. I am proud to pay taxes and consider it completely fair to pay taxes on all my Danish income in return for the high level of services and social security. However, I do not believe it is fair for me to pay taxes on income in other countries.

Since 2010, I have paid tax on property I own in the UK. Due to the way taxes work in Denmark, any currency fluctuation means I could have a tax bill even if the property has not appreciated in value. And it doesn't take into account years in which the property value might decrease. Other countries tax you on capital gains when you sell your assets. Not Denmark. I can no longer afford this.

I have lived in Denmark for 14 years. And continuously for 9 years. I have passed the language test PD3 and could easily pass the culture test. Even with all of this, I am not certain that I could acquire Danish citizenship. The process is very opaque. Because I am not currently full time employed, but rather have my own business, the rules about citizenship are not very clear to me. As a high earner (7 figures) I have paid a lot of tax over 14 years and yet Denmark makes it difficult for me to become a citizen.

So I must leave. For another country that will not tax me on overseas income. And that will give me the opportunity to acquire citizenship if I desire after five years of continuous residency.
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Arun Prabhu


13/09/2024 09:01

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