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Strategi for rekruttering og fastholdelse af international arbejdskraft

The number of foreign citizens employed in
Aarhus has doubled during the period 2014–24.
This development testifies to a labour market that
requires international labour, not only highly
educated personnel and specialists, but also both
skilled and unskilled workers. Multiple studies
indicate that the positive development of
employment in Denmark is already primarily
powered by international labour, and this trend
is expected to continue going forward. Forecasts
suggest that the shortage of labour will remain an
issue in the immediate future, given the small year
groups entering the labour market at the same
time as an increasing number of senior citizens
and larger year groups are entering retirement. In
the future, it will therefore be necessary to recruit
and affiliate international labour. Denmark is
already dependent on international labour, and the
shortfall in domestic labour is predicted to
increase over the coming years.

Aarhus City Council has therefore established a
committee comprising two city councillors and
several representatives from the business
community and other relevant organisations. The
committee has been tasked with developing
existing and new initiatives which, together, have
the potential to boost the city’s work with

The work of the committee is summarised in the
present strategy which, in the immediate future,
will form the framework for the consolidated input
for international labour in Aarhus.

Materialer (2)

Høringssvar (9)

Recommendations to support Danish language learners

It is beyond doubt that having Danish language competency is important to integrate with the local culture. However unless someone is linguistically gifted, it takes many years to …

Pre-school Language Evaluation

In regards to maintaining international workforce Aarhus kommune should also look into improving the current process of pre-school language evaluation for children with Danish as a…

Recommendations to Aarhus Municipality to Attract and Retain Internationals

Recommendations to Aarhus Municipality to Attract and Retain Internationals: Promote Aarhus Internationally - Position Aarhus as a vibrant, innovative city through global partne…


Aarhus is setting ambitious goals for its international workforce, aiming to recruit 1500 extra foreign workers annually until 2030. This continues the city's positive migration tr…

Targert Group for the Strategy

I am Yamanic Martinez, Industrial Chemical Engineer with two master's degrees and a 20-year career in International companies. We are in Aarhus since august 2023 because my husband…


Dejligt at kommunen laver initiativer på dette område. Som dansker der begår mig i internationale kredse og relationer i Danmark og udland, og da jeg skrev speciale om tiltrækning …

Government policies driving away foreigners

I have lived, worked and raised my children in Denmark for 14 years. And I am soon leaving! For two reasons: 1. Taxes on overseas income are too high. And I feel I am being unfair…

We Can provide 300-500

We have already 300 students going ReDI School this year, and we have an ambition to go up to 400-500 a year. It surprises me that we can be a big procent of the solution needed in…

Rekruttering af International Arbejdskraft

Det vil hjælpe at få flere studerende over til Potential in Action - et program, der har hjulpet mig med at møde en potentiel arbejdsgiver. Derudover har det været essentielt at sk…

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Nikoline Mikkelsen