Strategi for rekruttering og fastholdelse af international arbejdskraft
Language and Job Retention
Based on my experience in the past 7 years living in Aarhus, I'm very happy to see such an initiative taking place, as I did not have this to guide me when I arrived. The language portion needs to be improved for sure. I found the classes not very useful. The content wasn't helpful and sometimes irrelevant. It constricts the ability for the learners to use it. Offering groups where learners can practise speaking with native speakers or even other learners in an informal setting might help more.
As for the job portion, finding a job is difficult for people who have different cultures and motherongues, which can be highly ostracizing. Educating companies about how to work with internationals (especially those that don't already do this much) and cultural differences the Danish company might have to account for would be great. Inclusion is of course needed for internationals, but the respect of cultures and different life experiences needs to go both ways.
I'm looking forward to seeing this initiative develop!
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